New Product

Monday 18 November 2013

Water Level Controller using 7400

Source: EFY

water level controller |
Water level controller

        A number of small and complex circuits have appeared earlier for water level controllers, but most of them switch the motor on whenever the water level in the overhead tank decreases; some of them do not bother about the water in the ground level tank. Thus, we end up with burnt motors which try to pump up non-existent water from ground level to the overhead tank.
    This simple circuit circumvents the problem present in previously published circuit in EFY (April-88 issue). The motor is not switched 'on' and 'off' every few minutes, but only when the tank is completely empty.
       This modified version of 'Improved Water Level Controller' has been provided with two flip-flops for the two tanks, and each tank has three probes to monitor its status.
     The operation of the circuit is self explanatory. When there is no water in the overhead tank, transistors T1 and T2 do not conduct, which rests the flip-flop comprising gates N1 and N2. Since its Q' output is used, the output fed into N3 is '1'. When the underground tank is full, transistors T3 and T4 both conduct, thereby setting the flip-flop comprising N7 and N8, whose Q output,namely '1' is fed into N3.The output of N3 is '0' which is inverted and used to trigger transistor SL100 and the motor is thus switched in.
     The arrangement of the probes in the two tanks is given. The instructions have to be strictly followed to ensure faultless operation.

Note: For  water level circuit with minimized electrolysis, please visit:

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